"No Trust Among Thieves"
The people of Karnataka are on the brink of a possibility of seeing a change in government.But will it help the common man? Extremely doubtful, seeing the manner and reasons for which its happening. It’s widely publicized in the papers of the hankering for power by politicians. Nowhere is there a mention of people’s problems as reasons for a change in governance.
This transporting of politicians before the “Vote of Confidence” is interesting for a number of reasons.
If there is a change in the government we can be sure of: -
1) Lack of "confidence", trust and faith among the governing officials- the reason why they are spirited away right now.
2) Lack of integrity- if they could be bribed to change their stance.
3) Lack of strong individual character, and no moral values- they shift stances with the wind.
So common people take out your purses, no matter which party is the government of Karnataka, it is the Indian politician who remains as corrupt as ever!!