A village by any other name is still the same.
Bangalore-> Benga'loo'ru
All this city renaming is totally uncalled for. These so called guardians of language and literature cannot even prevent the deterioration of Bangalore.
After re-naming roads after certain individuals, the government now seems lost in a world of despising the pages of history. After all, Bangalore aka Bengalooru was only once a village and a fort. Indian kings and chieftains didn't look at building Bangalore into a small town. It was just a small fort and village to defend. Kempegowda's towers built in strategic locations were built on important routes to the fort to mark not the expansion of the village but to contain it as anything beyond those points would be difficult to defend! It was only the later invasion by Britishers and expansion of a village into a small town which came to be called 'Bangalore'.
Politicians attempt at renaming shows that they have no achievements to showcase, so they do what they are best at eating public money. Renaming will cost millions of rupees in reprinting & rebranding. We can rest assured that the city will now take a step backwards into the Dark Ages.
While we end up calling it by a village name, it shows that we are still of limited vision, and stunted in growth. We aren't worthy to be called Bangaloreans, but plain villagers.
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