Kudos to the lowly citizen

What does a lowly citizen do to combat water logging when the corporation itself has failed?
Take matters into your own hand and try to solve problems. This step has proved beneficial to a citizen in one of Bangalore’s suburbs.
Faced with possible water logging in her garden, she took the step of channeling water to the main storm water drain where she built recharge pits using nothing but common digging implements, cement rings and a stone slab.
The rainwater flows into these soak pits and recharges the ground water table. Sounds simple because it is. No fancy technology at work here, but plain common sense. It may or may not work in low-lying areas, but nothing is lost in trying.
It is time the government officials and other company officials realized that simple solutions are available. All along the storm water drains one can deepen the drains and construct these soak pits. But care should be taken to implement better filtering mechanisms, as sewage can and does flow on the roads, when the BWSSB (sewerage board) is undertaking sewer repair work or when a sewer is blocked. Also one can depend upon Indians to dirty roads in a zillion number of ways from their dogs relieving themselves to they themselves seeking relief.
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