Wednesday, October 05, 2005

IT industry and politics- hand in hand

IT industry and politics- hand in hand

After some aggressive posturing by IT head honchos, its back to normal for them as the Govt.
has appeased them with a few short-term measures and conciliatory gestures.

The claim of the IT industry to represent the people has been proven to be false. The main focus has been solely on roads travelled by them, and not towards the overall development of Bangalore. Whether the long-term projects are completed or not, the short-term measures have been done to soothe the IT industry while the ordinary people continue to struggle to stay afloat on flooded roads.

Soon after the IT industry grievances were well advertised in top papers, the sluggish
government machinery swung into action. Paving slabs were overturned, a 'few drains' were
dredged or cleared. Pot-holes on roads that were leading to 'leading IT companies' or on
which IT companies were located were filled in.

The rest remains in its original state of neglect. Drains leading to the freshly cleared
drains remain unscathed, and continue gathering silt to dump into the cleaned drains. Paving
slabs removed on roads minus IT companies lie where they were thrown. Rain water is diverted off 'IT lanes' into 'common citizens lanes'!! Drains on IT lanes are sealed off, as there is
no necessity for drain inlets on those roads since the rain water is diverted onto the
surface of convenient side lanes nearby.

Bob Hoekstra, Narayana Murthy and the rest of the IT heads continue travelling in their
limousines to their destinations while the backwash of the IT companies posturing continues
battering the common citizens of Bangalore, whose only claim to fame is their payment of tax
to maintain the roads of Bangalore in a continued state of neglect.

Radio City's traffic jam warnings will need to be complemented with warnings for pedestrians
of missing pavement slabs, so that they know which pavements to avoid.

IT industry and Politics are turning out to be the same monster wearing different hats.


At 4:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Friends,

Understand the disappoinment, so was I when I read it in China, where I was visiting with NASSCOM at that day. I could not attend the meeting because of my travel and the BFIT organization of which I am part has sustained of course its boycot. We gave in to empty promises last year. BFIT will reconsider for 2006 participation, if there is such an event.


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